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July 30, 2005
Get to know Indigo
Microsoft is sponsoring a series of Indigo Roadshow events, and one will be coming to Tampa, FL. There’s a little competition going on to see which FL user group can get the largest percentage of its members to register and attend the event (adjusted for distance from the event). The winning user group gets three giant buckets of books to hand out at its next meeting. Let’s try and take the crown for the Orlando .NET User Group! Here’s the link to register: http://www.indigoroadshow.com/
12:15 AM | Permalink | Comments (5)
July 14, 2005
Finalizer video posted
I finally got around to posting The Finalizer documentary video that we created for our booth at Tech Ed. Here’s the link:
Unlike the DVD version, the quality of the WMV is a bit grainy, because we wanted to keep the bandwidth requirements low (it’s a 10mb file streamed at 268k).
Oh, by the way; Keep watching after the credits to see the outtake of me losing my temper while filming the video. It was a pretty frustrating process.
09:17 PM | Permalink | Comments (10)