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April 17, 2006

Spanish Language Pack for DotNetNuke (DNN)

My blog has moved. Please go to: http://jstawski.com/archive/2006/04/17/Spanish-Language-Pack-for-DotNetNuke-_2800_DNN_2900_.aspx

Hi everyone! I was in need for a language pack for the es-AR culture (Spanish - Argentina). I couldn't find one, but I did find the es-UY culture (Spanish - Uruguay). The author did an incredible job on translating everything. Both cultures and languages from Uruguay and Argentina are almost identical so I grabbed his Language Pack, created a small app that renamed all the files with es-UY in it to es-AR, and zipped it up. I then uploaded it to my DNN website and worked like a charm. I sent it to the DNN fellas. Here's the link to the DNN Laguage Packs: http://www.dotnetnuke.com/Default.aspx?tabid=785&action=cat

Note: As of the time of this posting, the Language Pack was not uploaded to the DNN website.

As always: Happy Programming!

01:54 PM | Permalink


Como hiciste para activar el language pack. Lo tengo pero me siguen saliendo en ingles.

Posted by: Mike | Feb 6, 2007 8:24:50 AM

There are instructions on how to install the Language Package on my new blog: http://jstawski.com/archive/2007/02/07/install-language-pack-for-dotnetnuke.aspx

Las instrucciones de como instalar el language pack estan en mi nuevo blog: http://jstawski.com/archive/2007/02/07/install-language-pack-for-dotnetnuke.aspx

Posted by: Jonas | Feb 7, 2007 10:39:39 AM

Post the little app to rename files. Or donate to DNN guys, this should be standard. Imagine create one Pack for every Latin American country when just a few words change here and there.

Posted by: Cheo | Jul 27, 2007 6:17:41 PM

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