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November 06, 2004
Dear Mr. Lucas
As you may already know, a trailer for Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith is playing with the Incredibles. I have good news and bad news. The good news is that this trailer wasn’t released in an attempt to prop up the box office of some otherwise B – movie. Recall when the trailer for the last Star Wars film came out, it was attached to some dog of movie that scarcely was worth price of the film stock it shipped on. I remember reports of people paying to see it just to watch the trailer and leave. We don’t have that problem this time. The Incredibles is a great movie and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Then I got home. I wanted to see the trailer again. I figured that there was at least a chance that I could go online to see the trailer again. I was also ready to accept that perhaps the trailer was only in theaters. The trailer is in fact available for you to view on the web. Just got to http://www.StarWars.com. Oh, you’ll have to join the Hyperspace club in order to see the trailer. That’s going to run you $39.95. I won’t have to pay that much for the DVD of the whole movie next year.
Come on Mr. Lucas. Do you really feel the need to soak us for nearly 40 buck just so we can watch a PREVIEW of the next film. My family and I have contributed heavily to you and your goals. We contributed to putting your kids through college. We helped make it possible for you to break ranks with Hollywood
I used to work in motion pictures and know how generous you are to the employees who are loyal to you. Please, Mr. Lucas, extend that same courtesy to your fans.
11:41 AM | Permalink
Good post! I have realy enjoyed the last 2 posts. As you probably recall from our convo's during lunch etc, I too am a big fan of Star Wars. Although, at this point I am keeping my fingers crossed on the next movie closing the circle on such a great saga.
Posted by: Eddy Recio | Nov 13, 2004 9:06:04 PM
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